The component command creates a simple easy to use functional component. It places a div and h2 in there for you, this is for convenience purposes when developing.
λ Usage
λ printer component [path]
λ Example Usage
λ printer component components/example
λ Creates a new component in components/example
λ ...
λ printer component components/multi/folder/example
λ Creates a new component in components/multi/folder/example
If you do end up changing the default Printer configuration. You can generate component folders with custom styled-component templates and a test file. In the future Printer will support more sophisticated jest fixtures.
λ Create a new component in components/example
λ printer component components/example
λ ...
λ components/example/index.tsx
λ components/example/example.component.tsx
λ components/example/
λ components/example/example.test.tsx
And here is what the results would be from running the component command.